Latinx studies

Undergraduate minor

About the minor

The minor in Latinx studies introduces students to the diverse perspectives, histories, and contemporary experiences of Latinx communities in the US and Latin America. The minor is interdisciplinary, meaning that students will take courses from a variety of different fields within the humanities, social sciences, and professional schools. For example, students can choose to take courses in literature, history, the arts, environmental studies, or journalism, to name a few.

Students can also delve deeper into specialized Spanish language courses, especially those that focus on the contexts in which Spanish is spoken and the social and political implications of being a Spanish-speaker in the US.

A little more info

  • Latinx studies students tailor their coursework to their personal interests and strengths, while getting a broad introduction the topic through required courses in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the professional disciplines.
  • Students receive mentoring and support from faculty around campus who do research and teach courses in Latinx studies.
  • Students have opportunities to enhance their Spanish language skills and get involved Eugene Latino community by volunteering at organizations such as Centro Latino Americano or the Latin American Solidarity Committee.

Career opportunities

The diversity of courses offered in the minor enable students to complement their major with deeper cultural understanding and language skills that will open career paths in many different professions.